Monday, October 8, 2007

Smiley Face (dir. Gregg Araki)

2007, 82 minutes
w/ Anna Faris, Adam Brody, John Krasinski
[I think there are two reviews for this film that can be written--one sober and the other under the influence (ideally pot but hard alcohol should work)--for this is a film about influenced by marijuana, about marijuana, and most likely made for Mary Jane lovers. I watched it sober, so take that into consideration if planning on saving this for 4.20.08. Araki's tiny new comedy is on the opposite side of the subject matter spectrum as Mysterious Skin, his brilliant '05 indie about the effects of child molestation on two teenagers. Anna Faris, who is probably my #1 retort to complaints that there are no funny women left in movies, stars as a commercial actress who accidentally eats her roommate's pot cupcakes after having already gotten high earlier that morning. Now completely baked and with a laundry list of vital things to do, Faris must navigate her way around and 1. go to an audition 2. make new pot cupcakes 3. make it to Venice to pay her dealer back and so on. Dylan Haggerty's script isn't anything to write home about as it is the Anna Faris show as she once again is able to turn simply decent or even stale lines or scenes into hilarious ones, overacting her mannerisms and jumbling her narration practically artistically. Araki assumably adds techniques specifically for the "target" audience including a wonderful opening credits sequence that probably make the movie too much for select viewers within ten minutes. Sitcom favorites Adam Brody (The O.C.) and John Krasinski (The Office) add great small roles as Faris' dreaded-up drug dealer and her nerdy admirer.]


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